Where can Water Funds be found?
In this section you can locate the Water Funds that are created and in the process of being created.
Locate the country and city and click on the location button to know more specific information for each of the Water Funds.

Mexico City
Name: Agua Capital
Phase: Creation
Area implemented: 156 ha
Families directly benefited: 23
Leveraged resources: $2.2 million
City: Monterrey
Name: Metropolitan Water Fund of Monterrey (FAMM)
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 1,387 ha
Families directly benefited: 316
Leveraged resources: $9.1 million

Name: Agua Somos
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 1,341 ha
Families directly benefited: 50
Leveraged resources: $2.5 million
Cúcuta, Colombia
Cúcuta, Colombia
Name: Alianza Bio Cuenca
Phase: Creation
Families directly benefited:
Leveraged resources: $429,687
Medellin, Colombia
Name: Cuenca Verde
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 3,482 ha
Families directly benefited: 512
Leveraged resources: $8.2 million
Name: Cartagena Water Fund
Phase: Creation
Families directly benefited: 56
Leveraged resources: $312,180

Santa Marta, Colombia
Santa Marta
Name: Water Fund of Santa Marta and Cienega
Phase: Creation
Leveraged resources: $332,996
Valle del Cauca
Valle del Cauca
City: Valle del Cauca
Name: Water for Life and Sustainability Fund Foundation
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 22,024ha
Families directly benefited: 2,786

Costa Rica
Costa Rica
City: San José
Name: Agua Tica
Phase: Creation
Implemented area: 607 ha
Families directly benefited: 13
Leveraged resources: $806,464

Quito, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador
Name: Fund for the Protection of Water (FONAG)
Phase: Maturity
Implemented area: 28,386ha
Families directly benefited: 3,541
Leveraged resources: $22.5 million

Cuenca, Ecuador
Name: Water Fund for the Conservation of the Paute River Basin (FONAPA)
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 94,684ha
Families directly benefited: 1,551
Leveraged resources: $ 5 mill
Name: Páramos Tungurahua Fund
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 32,078ha
Families directly benefited: 8,000
Leveraged resources: $ 3.5 millions
City: Guayaquil
Name: Guayaquil Water Conservation Fund
Phase: Creation
Implemented area: 159ha
Families directly benefited: 2
Leveraged resources: $448,880
Name: Water Fund for Lima and Callao (Aquafondo)
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 1,605ha
Families directly benefited: 900
Leveraged resources: $ 3.4 million
City: Piura
Name: Regional Water Fund (FORASAN)
Phase: Creation
Implemented area: 138
Families directly benefited: 200
Leveraged resources: $52,000
Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo
Name: Santo Domingo Water Fund
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 428ha
Families directly benefited: 161
Leveraged resources: $1 million
Name: Yaque del Norte Water Fund
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 258 ha
Families directly benefited: 85
Leveraged resources: $ 1 million

Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Name: São Paulo Water Fund
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 8,278ha
Families directly benefited: 400
Leveraged resources: $32.1 million
City: Camboriú
Name: Camboriú River Water Producer
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 1,109 ha
Families directly benefited: 23
Leveraged resources: $904,104

City: Brasilia
Name: Pipiripau-DF Water Fund
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 5,423ha
Families directly benefited: 181
Leveraged resources: $ 7.8 million
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Name: Guandu-RJ Water and Forest Producers
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 5,944ha
Families directly benefited: 148
Leveraged resources: $ 27.3 million
Espírito Santo
Espírito Santo
Name: Reflorestar Program
Phase: Operation
Implemented area: 19,000ha
Families directly benefited: 2,856
Leveraged resources: $35.3 million

Santiago-Maipo Water Fund
The Santiago-Maipo Water Fund was launched on October 15th in Santigo de Chile